Online Retailor Monitoring SystemSkyScope
Online Retailor Monitoring System
SkyScope's online retail monitoring system tracks every online retailer on the 60+ B2C e-commerce platforms and notifies the brand manufacturers in real time if the retailer violated the rules. SkyScope, power by the professional and efficient data supply chain (iNebula and WarpEngine) of Syntun company, monitors all e-commerce platforms, identifies key market signals from massive disordered data, and broadcasts E-Market information for enterprises in multiple forms.
- Customizable tracking preference
- Real time dashboard of summary data
- Timely notification of improper behavior of retailer
- Full-scale and comprehensive analysis of improper behavior by retailer
- Reveal the trends behind the state of retailers' operations
- Personalize data export format
Product Detail
Customizable track preference
Monitor the platform to see if the retailer is in violation of brand pricing rules, promotion plans or other brand rules.
Provide daily tracking report for enterprise, by visualizing result and underlining the key violations, for brand to optimize channel management.
Efficient search and personalized data export format
Tracking data can be filtered, located and exported fast by period, category, brand, SKU, platform, retailer and shop according to specific needs.